Voice Activated Lobber

Quarantine Hobbies

Somewhere around the beginning Covid-19 lockdown, I picked up a “How To” book on the microcontroller Arduino. I studied Mechanical Engineering in college and hadn’t done much of anything with electrical engineering other than the EE 101 course. I chalked up electricity to be akin to witchcraft and called it a day. But after working with an Arduino and electrical engineering concepts for a few months, I can confirm electricity is witchcraft.

Building a Lobber



A majority of the design process was spent learning how to operate an Arduino. I also went through a couple of ideas for both the lobbing motion and the reloading motion. The simplest, most robust idea for lobbing I came up with was to use a pneumatic piston. The best solution for reloading was to use a track for the cans to roll down and two servos acting in concert. I wanted to use Alexa for the voice activation, but I found a circuit board that could do what I needed easier.

Classic Engineer.jpg


Prior to this project, I had done very little electrical engineering and even less soldering, but I had more free time than since I was twelve. After some research and testing, I had a functioning breadboard complete with a solenoid to switch flow of air pressure, transistor to activate a larger voltage source than an Arduino can handle, two controlled servos, and a circuit board for the mic and voice activation.



This project effectively contained three smaller projects: the voice activation, the lobbing, and the reloading after each lob. Each of these required their own design, manufacturing, and testing process, and then finally I had to tie them together in a wiring diagram. It was integration hell. This wasn’t my most mathematically impressive project, but it definitely contained the most moving parts. As with all projects, finally getting everything to work is an incredible feeling.




Skills Used During This Project


  • Excel

  • Arduino

  • Wiring Diagrams


  • Woodworking: jigsaw, circular saw, drill, clamps

  • Soldering

  • Wiring Arduino

  • Drimmel to cut PVC